Podere Le Boncie Il Cinque 5 Toscana 2022

Podere Le Boncie Il Cinque 5 Toscana 2022

One of the new generation's best Tuscan wine makers, Giovanna Morganti farms a tiny 3 hectares (7.5 acres). Il Cinque ('the five') is blended using five grape varietals used to make the finest Chianti Classico: Sangiovese with Colorino, Mammolo, Fogliotanda and Cilegiolo. Giovanna’s father was a legendary oenologist who believed in Tuscan varietals long before the “flying consultants” identified this area as a profit center. Podere Le Boncie is situated in the hamlet of San Felice which itself is located a handful of minutes north of Castelnuovo Berardenga, in the southern tier of the Chianti Classico zone. Giovanna studied oenology herself and went to work in the mid 1980s for San Felice wines in Castelnuovo Berardenga, near Siena, on a project to plant around 300 traditional Tuscan grape varietals collected from old vineyards. When Giovanna’s father gave her a small farm with olive groves, called Le Boncie, she added a vineyard planted with her favorites from the experimental project – Sangiovese, obviously, but also Ciliegiolo, Colorino, Foglia tonda Mammolo and Prugnolo. The cheekily named “Cinque”—after the barely-passing grade of “5” given in Italian schools—is Giovanna’s second wine, made from younger vines and aged one year less than the “Le Trame” above. Though it is simpler and more fruit-driven, “Cinque” still bears an unmistakably Castelnuovo Berardenga soil imprint, and will age effortlessly for many years.