Kings County Bourbon Blend Whiskey 200ml

Kings County Bourbon Blend Whiskey 200ml

Blended whiskey is rarely associated with American distillers, often evoking thoughts of light-style scotch or Canadian whiskies. However, in a bid to innovate within that tradition, the creation of an American analog to those reliable and versatile spirits was undertaken. Kings County Distillery's Blended Bourbon is crafted for nearly every occasion—complex enough for sipping, robust enough for cocktails and highballs, yet approachable enough to accompany a cold beer. Unlike many blended whiskeys that dilute straight whiskeys with neutral spirits, Kings County Distillery’s blends are made from mature bourbon, rye, malt, and corn whiskeys produced in-house, with blend details available on their website. The flavor profile, positioned between pot still Irish whiskey and traditional bourbon, reflects its New York City roots and envisions the future of American whiskey.