Alessandrio Pialli Vino Navigato 2023
In the days of the Republic of Venice, “vino navigato” referred to wines that arrived from distant lands, enriching Venetian tables with exotic flavors. Today, the journey has reversed—wines like Garganega are now navigating the seas from Veneto to the U.S., carrying centuries of history in each bottle. Garganega, the most planted white grape on the Colli Berici ( Vicenza), dates back to the 1200s in a treatise by Pietro de’ Crescenzi, though its roots likely stretch even further, possibly to the Etruscans. This hardy grape, with its loose, elongated clusters, has long thrived against the challenges of nature. Known for its versatility, Garganega can be vinified into both still and sparkling wines, showcasing its ability to adapt and express itself in ways that resonate with today’s global palate.